News Letters
Our Area

Hillswick Eshaness Area Regeneration and Development

The first thing to say about starting a project is - don't start one unless you have time and patience to turn good ideas into reality!

The group have found during the years they have worked together that things only happen slowly but they surely do.

As a group they have made some mistakes along the way, but because of this they are now a wiser and more professional team raring to go.

From an idea being suggested to the finish of a scheme involves far more than might meet the eye. The HEARD group has been lucky in having an excellent secretary who has spent many hours filling out an endless stack of forms and writing the mandatory letters before the group could even think to start any of the projects they have undertaken. Among the tasks undertaken were requests for planning permission, application forms and aspirant letters to obtain the necessary funding required, letters inviting companies to tender - the list is endless and appreciation of Nancy's dedication is as endlessly appreciated.

Below is a list of some of the projects that have been undertaken by HEARD. Some have been completed, others are ongoing and a few are at the earliest stage others may be parked until funding becomes available.


© 2022 Trowie Designs
HEARD Projects







Cootch Kettle Project
Slipway at Urafirth Project
Water Mill Project
Various Small Projects
Home Front Recall Project
Tom Anderson Video Project
Past Present & Future Project