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Another exciting aspect of oral history is that when stories and reminiscences have been retold they are usually spoken in dialect. HEARD is particularly pleased about the use of local dialect in the interviews as they are making every effort to help safeguard the mother tongue for the future, as each district within Shetland has words with pronunciations used only within that locality and it is vital that no more Northmavine words are lost to future generations.

On the right is Douglas Anderson, one of the many who told us about life here in the years gone by.

Stories relating to family life within this area, working conditions and being a member of a small rural community are all topics that should be archived whilst the information is still available and can be given first hand. Sharing the trials and tribulations that have confronted individuals and being able to record how the parish reacted in times of good and bad fortune makes this an exiting tool to chronicle the past, present and future.

This oral history project still has much work ahead of it and if funding can be sourced to continue, then more data will be collected because with each passing day memories are being lost forever to future generations, unfortunately the Local Heritage Initiative Scotland was wound up with no further assistance available.

Hillswick Eshaness Area Regeneration and Development

What is an oral history project about ?

Well, unlike when historical records were only in the written word and printed in history books. Nowadays people's memories and experiences are able to be recorded on audio and video tapes or burned onto CD's and DVD's for future generations to listen to or watch and enjoy.

HEARD's Past, Present and Future Oral History Project has as yet barely scratched the surface of this wealth of information that lies untapped within this area. When visiting older relatives, everyone would need to carry a tape recorder because of the historical gems often recounted when least expected. Unfortunately this is not always possible or yet desirable.

HEARD is indebted to them for the money they allocated to get this project off the ground and it is the group's intention to actively pursue other funding agencies so that this project can continue in some form before any more minutiae are lost. The group would also like to thank Awards for All, Shetland Arts Trust, Shetland Enterprise and the Northmaven Community Council who all generously donated to this project.


On the left is the Tangwick Haa Museum where folders containing the CDs which were produced after each interview, along with a written copy of the dialogue is available.
Past, Present & Future Oral History Project.
Past, Present and Future Booklet: This attractive and interesting booklet was written and compiled by Pat Christie for and on behalf of HEARD. It has transcriptions of some oral recordings made with older people of the district during this project and includes such subjects as carrying water from a well for cooking and washing clothes, playing with home made toys or going to the Antarctic as a young whaler, as well as several other interesting topics. Most of the interviews in this booklet has an accompanying picture of the person who recounted the memories.
Willie Gilbertson








The picture above right shows the museum staff on the evening they received the first of the folders from HEARD. Above and below are two of the male interviewees who kindly took part in this project. Updated and associated information with relevant photos or additional information can be added to an individuals folder at any time. The CD's have been divided into separate tracks, to allow researchers to find relevant subjects with ease.